Friday, March 20, 2020
Their Not Always What They Seem To Be Professor Ramos Blog
Their Not Always What They Seem To Be What if you had to live in a foreign country where the president who you choose as your leader became so corrupted that manipulate the system to be reelected and take power over the peoples rights? Many Latin American countries are facing this corruption with presidents being in office for too many terms. They start coming across as good candidates for the good of the people and then they become corrupted and greedy. The people trust in these individuals to make the country a better place with more opportunities. Daniel Ortega, the president of Nicaragua, was first elected back in 1984 and re elected in 2007 for three term. Daniel Ortega the Sandinista leader and his brother Humberto Ortega and Frente Sandinista de Liberacià ³n Nacional (FSLN), a political organization from the left-wing,  organized political support among students, workers, and peasants. On July 1979, they defeated the National Guards and overthrew Anastasio Somoza former president at the time. Somoza and his family controlled  the national radio and telegraph networks, the postal and immigration services, health services, the internal revenue service, and the national railroads. They were living life to the fullest while the people lived in poverty. Daniel Ortega became very liked after taking over because the people thought he was a good man for helping to get rid of Somoza. Ortega became the first Nicaraguan president in history to peacefully surrender power to an opposition party (Morris). The man who gained the trust of so many Nicaraguans, started using his power for corruption and maintaining poverty as well. Parties in the coalition were stripped of their legal status by judges and electoral officials apparently controlled by Ortega’s government. The people are feeling betrayed by the president Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, for ordering increase in the amount that the employees and employers have to pay into the system while cutting benefits to elderly pensioners by 5% (Morris). The next day thousands of people including university students, pensioners, environmentalists, feminists, religious leader and many more filled up the streets protesting for Daniel Ortega and his wife to resign as president. The state shut down multiple television stations that were broadcasting live footage and ordered the anti-riot police to fire rounds into the crowd of protestors while ordering them to arrest students and attack universities in Managua the capital. The Nicaragua Center for Human Rights reports approximately 60 death. Journalist Angel Gahona, was killed streaming live footage of protestors in the Caribbean coastal city of Bluefields on Facebook. There were much more report by the Red Cross who were wounded and needed to be hospitalized. On the other hand, many others got incarcerated for looting stores. According to Ortega, the people imprisoned in the disturbances will be brought to trail. It isn’t easy for him to regain control of the streets especially because the people of Nicaragua are tired of his bullshit and are desperate for change. In Rome, Pope Francis called out for the violence to end and a peaceful resolution of the conflict. According to Jose de Cordoba from The Wall Street Journal, a spokeswoman from the State Department, Heather Nauert was not pleased with the â€Å"excessive force used by the police and others against civilians.†The State Department called in a meeting for the Nicaraguan government to restore all television coverage and allow a full investigation of the deaths during the protests. The Ortega government has been mishandling the social security system for years. They’ve used it as a piggy bank to finance housing projects and medical clinics created by Ortega’s association. According to Cordoba, the International Monetary Fund has send out a warning that the Nicaragua’s social security system could run out of money by 2019.  Many people work so hard most of their lives so they could accumulate money in their social security so they could have money to live on. This man is creating more poverty and crime. Most people in Nicaragua are becoming desperate and their breaking into peoples houses and businesses. As it is, Nicaragua remains one of the poorest countries in Latin America (Watts). Daniel Ortega undermine the power and authority of the country’s institutions and developed democracy seeking to form dictatorship like Anastasio Somoza (Cordoba). Ortega benefited in recent years from regular deposits of well over half a billion dollars in cash annually from oil-rich Venezuela. He divided the income between his own family, the private business community organized through a chamber of commerce known as COSEP that exercises broad influence on the local government, and distributed the rest through social security programs to maintain order. The people of Nicaragua are through with Daniel Ortega, they are hoping for change. It is devistating seeing the country I was born at go through these horrible moments. Besides it being the poorest country in Central America, its where God gave us the privilage to be born at. Nicaragua is a beautiful country of volcanoes, lakes and beaches. Taking from the elderly is not the soluation in my opinion. These people depend on their pensions to survive. The people in Nicaragua have lived in poverty for many years for this asshole and his wife to take more from the people is not right at all. They seem to be enjoying their lives while Nicaraguans are struggling to make ends meet. There has to be some kind of change in how our voices are heard so we are able to make changes if needed. Its very sad how Daniel Ortega handled the protests. He had no right to kill all those unarmed individual protesting for change. Can you imagine if you had to live in a country like Nicaragua. Maybe if we had better leaders and government system, the people wouldnt have to look elsewhere to go or even cross the border to seek better opportunities for their families. Hopefully the U.S. could step in and help the people of Nicaragua get rid the president and his wife so they could live in peace. Blair, Laurence. â€Å" More Than 350 Million Latin American Voters to Elect New Leaders in 2018.†The Guardian. 27 December 2017. Watts, Jonathan. â€Å"Nicaragua President Re-elected in Landslide Amid Claims of Rigged Vote.†The Guardian. 7 November 2016. Morris, Courtney Desiree. â€Å"Unexpected Uprising: The Crisis of Democracy in Nicaragua.†NACLA. 14 May 2018. De Cordoba, Jose. â€Å"Nicaragua Revokes Legislation That Increased Payroll Tax, Cut Pension Benefits.†The Wall Street Journal. 22 April 2018
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