Saturday, November 30, 2019
Research Proposal on Marketing Communication Essay Example
Research Proposal on Marketing Communication Essay Marketing communication or promotion is one the four core elements of marketing mix characterized with the integrated complex of media used for the delivery of information from the producer to consumers or target markets. Marketing communication embraces every activity of the company aimed at the promotion, remembering, persuasion and informing the customers about the goods and services of the firm. Marketing communication includes the informative ads which are supposed to notify the consumer about the existence of the products manufactured by the company or to inform him about the possible changes and improvement of the product. The principal aim of marketing communication is to persuade the consumer of the quality and originality of the product. The customer should want to buy the product without paying attention to its price after watching the ad. The advertisement is not just the delivery of information, but it is a direct communication between the company and the client during which the first one tries to persuade the latter one in the necessity and exclusiveness of the production. The model of marketing communication is quite simple as it consists of five elements: We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Marketing Communication specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Marketing Communication specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Marketing Communication specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The first element is the sender or the firm (wants to deliver the concept to the consumer); The second component is the receiver (the customer); The third – the message (the set of codes and symbols which possess informative and persuasive value); The fourth – the channel of connection (the means used for the transmission of the information) The fifth – feedback loop (maintains the control of the successfulness of the transfer of the message and helps to make sure whether the consumer has understood the word). Marketing communication is the complex of methods aimed at the promotion of goods and services among the target audience. The student has the chance to research the problem deeper if he chooses the issue on marketing communication for the research paper. But before that he should persuade the professor in the effectiveness of the topic with the help of the proposal which includes the main points of the research, the methodology and the sources applied for the analysis and investigation of the matter. The student should deliver the information and arguments logically and precisely to inform the professor about the main idea of writing. At writing service you can order a custom research proposal on Marketing Communication topics. Your proposal will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated PhD and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research proposal help at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all proposal details: Enjoy professional research proposal writing service!
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Revisions of Coopers Model Essays
Revisions of Coopers Model Essays Revisions of Coopers Model Essay Revisions of Coopers Model Essay Over the years, several revisions have been made to Coopers original model. These are; Cooper and Baglioni (1988), and Robertson, Cooper and Williams (1990). The home/work interface aspect of the model was originally part of the individual differences section, but in 1988, this was incorporated as a sixth source of stress. The reason behind this was the increasing recognition that demands and conflicts from work could act as potential sources of stress at home and could also be transferred and influence work-related well-being. Also, in 1990, Robertson et al introduced coping strategies into the model as another aspect of individual differences. Although there are several features of the work environment, which have been associated with stress, Cooper and Marshall (1976) developed one of the earliest classifications which is still widely used today (Newell 1995). Criticisms Claire Harris (1998) criticizes Coopers model as describing a model of organizational stress rather than occupational stress. She argued that it was vague in relation to particular types of job-related stress. This is evident from the sources of stress, with only those intrinsic to job being occupational stresses and the rest being generic to organizations rather than occupations. Several researchers including Cooper have noticed this problem and have used the measurement of stressors for the particular occupation under study. Cooper and Bramwell (1992) for example, assessed mental health satisfaction and sickness absence from looking at a group of managers and shop floor workers. Another criticism with this model is its simplistic left to right characterization of the stress process. In Lazarus Folkmans (1986) transactional model of stress, the extent to which a stressor in the environment results in strain outcomes depends on the interaction between the individual and their environment. The model also includes feedback loops which are not accounted for in Coopers model. Coopers model has also been criticized because it fails to show how individual differences relate to other parts of the model. Coopers model fails to account for organizational characteristics as moderators of the stressor strain relationship and does not indicate whether coping and personality have direct influences on stress outcomes or if they are combined to have an interactive influence. Although Cooper has incorporated individual differences in the model, further evidence is required to establish whether or not these differences have a direct effect or moderate strain outcomes. In addition to these criticisms, Coopers model does not account for other well known researched individual differences such as neuroticism (relating to well-being) and less researched factors such as extroversion and competence (Warr 1987). Conclusions Coopers 1986 model of work-related stress describes the main features of an individuals work and also of his/her home environment. He describes these in the Model of Stress at Work. Although Coopers model is simplistic, it does give a general overview of how stress can influence an individuals relationships at work and at home. It could be argued that Coopers model only concentrates on organizational stressors i.e. organizational structure, relationships at work, or career development. That being said, he mentions the feature of intrinsic to job, which is in fact related to occupational stress. Coopers model is still widely use today in the field of occupational psychology, but further revisions need to be made which describe the individuals coping strategies and personality, as they play a major role in the workplace with regards to a persons health. Further research also needs to be conducted on existing data and then it needs to be analysed directly with the H.S.E. References i)Brown et al 1999 Police Stress. ii)Claire Harris Msc Thesis (1998). iii)Daniels et al 2002 Stress Risk Report. iv)Jordan et al 2003 Practice stress in management. v)Parkes and Sparkes 1998 Organisational Stress Interventions.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Dancing Ghost Halloween Science Magic Trick
Dancing Ghost Halloween Science Magic Trick This Halloween, make a paper ghost dance in the air, as if by magic! This is a simple and educational holiday science project. Dancing Ghost Materials Light-weight paper works best for this project, such as tissue paper, paper towels, toilet paper or printer paper. paperscissorsballoon Make the Ghost Dance! Cut a ghost shape out of the paper. If you cant cut out a ghost or draw one freehand, search Google images for paper ghost cut-out and print a pattern.Blow up the balloon and tie it off.Rub the balloon on dry hair.Slowly edge the balloon toward the paper ghost. You can make the ghost move in response to the balloon and even make it dance in the air. How It Works When you rub a balloon on your hair, some of the electrons from your hair move over to the balloon, producing a charge of static electricity. The electrons have a negative charge. They are attracted to objects that have a positive electrical charge, like paper. Even though static electricity is invisible, it is powerful enough to draw the paper toward it. When the paper and balloon come into contact, the charge is neutralized and the paper falls back down. More Projects More Halloween Science ProjectsScience Halloween Jack-o-LanternsBend Water With Static ElectricityWater Into Blood Science Trick
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
BUSINESS ECONOMICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
BUSINESS ECONOMICS - Essay Example This paper will discuss the concept of elasticity and how a government tax on a product -- in this instance, cigarettes -- can affect the business firm in terms of how much a specific tax on cigarette can be shifted to the buyer and how much has to be absorbed. Price elasticity (Ep) of demand is the ratio of the percentage change in quantity to the percentage change in the price of a product or service, all other things remaining unchanged. Algebraically, this is expressed as follows: where P and Q are the price and quantity, respectively. This formula assumes point elasticity instead of an arc price elasticity for simplicity sake, as our objective of understanding the concept of elasticity can be sufficiently served by this simple assumption. Price elasticity measures how responsive the sales would be in relation to changes in price. Products and services inherently have different price elasticities, so that managerial decisions on expansion or reduction of output would depend to an important degree on how accurate are the determination of such elasticities. At the outset, we may consider the benchmark elasticity = 1 as indicating that a percentage change in price is just equaled by the same percentage change in quantity demanded. Where demand is somewhat less responsive to changes in price, we can say that demand is relatively inelastic -- that is to say, a percentage increase in price triggers a lower percentage change in quantity demanded. Demand is relatively elastic when a change in price causes a larger percentage change in quantity demanded. A vertical demand curve denotes perfectly inelastic demand with an Ep of 0, whereas a perfectly elastic demand would be a horizontal demand curve with an Ep of infinity ( ∠ž). An important elasticity criterion is whether a good is a necessity or a luxury. A necessity has an inelastic or relatively inelastic demand curve. A good that is inessential (or a luxury) has a relatively elastic demand curve;
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Domain Bacteria Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Domain Bacteria - Research Paper Example The relatedness between any two given metazoans such as a human and a slug is often much more than the relation between two bacteria species. They appear in a variety of shapes (rods, spirals, spheres, blogs and helical among others) and sizes ranging between 0.5 and 5.0 microns. Most bacteria are of one of three typical shapes, which include round/ball-shaped (coccus), rod-shaped (bacillus) and spiral-shaped (spirillum), with an additional group, vibrios, that appear as incomplete spirals. Scientists also characterize bacteria by their growth patterns such as the chains formed by streptococci. While some bacteria, mainly the spirillum and bacillus forms, are motile or swim about by whip-like movements of flagella, others have pili, rigid rod-like protuberances, which serve as tethers. Pili join pairs of bacteria together facilitating transfer of DNA between them. Some bacteria have short, hair-like, proteinaceous projections called fimbriae at the cell ends or over the entire surface, which enable the bacteria to adhere to surfaces. Depending on the bacteria species, flagella may be set in any of four ways, which includes the monotrichous form with a single flagellum at one end, the amphitrichous with a single flagellum at each bacterium end, the lophotrichous with two or more flagella at either or both bacterium ends and the peritrichous form with flagella distributed over the entire cell. Bacterial cells can exist as discrete individual cells or may group together in chains as in the case of rods and cocci. Cocci forms can also aggregate in clusters. They contain a cell envelope comprising of a capsule, the cell wall and a plasma lemma or plasma membrane and a cytoplasmic region, which contains the cell genome, ribosomes and various cell inclusions. Most bacteria have a rigid cell wall, which consists of a polymer of disaccharides that are cross-linked by peptides (short amino acid chains) forming a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Primary Care Clinic Essay Example for Free
The Primary Care Clinic Essay A small primary care clinic has 69 employees, representing 9 different clinical professions and 12 other skills. It operates two (2) sites, one (1) of which is bigger and has the departments for medical specialists, diagnostic labs, and patient services. The clinic also contracts for a variety of services, such as repair and maintenance, referral specialists, and advanced diagnostic services. You are the manager. You report to the owners who are four (4) of the family practitioners and their wives. Two of the wives still work at the clinic as registered nurses. Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you: 1.Discuss the key political, economic, and social forces that may have influenced the development of the clinic. 2.Create a comprehensive mission statement and explain what makes it a comprehensive mission statement. 3.Identify three (3) performance measures you would use to measure the clinic’s effectiveness and provide the rationale for each performance measure. 4.Describe how you would approach decisions regarding clinic expansion and annual plan approval. 5.Describe the role of the clinic as a component of the healthcare delivery system in your community. 6.Examine how public healthcare policy has influenced the formation of outpatient clinics in the healthcare system. 7.Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: †¢Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. †¢Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: †¢Examine the political, economic, and social forces that have influenced the organizational foundations of the United States healthcare system †¢Explain how public policy has shaped the development of the U.S. healthcare system. †¢Analyze the critical management issues, purpose, functions, and performance measures of different departments within healthcare organizations. †¢Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services organization management. †¢Write clearly and concisely about health services organization management using proper writing mechanics. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Bain & Company Essay -- Business, Team Development
This paper addresses the importance of teams in an organization. Bain & Company, a Boston-based consulting company, exemplifies an organization that has placed team development as a priority in the organization. Teams are increasingly common in organizations for responding to customer’s needs to deliver a product or service. Successful teams are supported by a commitment to empower and enhanced rewards. Bain & Company History has brought organizations to a moment where teams are recognized as a critical component of the business. Today, most work that goes on inside organizations utilizes a team approach, whereas work that takes place outside of organizations relies even more heavily on teamwork. Teams are increasingly common in organizations for responding to customer’s needs to deliver a product or service. Successful teams are supported by a commitment to empower and enhanced rewards. Empowered teams consist of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose or a set of performance goals for which they hold themselves mutually accountable (Laszlo, Laszlo, & Johnsen, 2009). Team Concept Bain & Company, a Boston-based consulting company, goes beyond teamwork, to structure itself around interdependent groups, as a means of improving work processes and providing better quality and service to customers. Bain’s success as an organization is dependent upon getting the right people on the team. Bain focused its recruiting efforts on four major colleges M.B.A. programs, as a way of getting highly qualified individuals, because they have been prepared for management consulting (Dyer, Dyer, & Dyer, 2006). Sometimes teams are made up of people who have different work ethics, but Bain’s succes... ...personal development. Virtuoso teams are fundamentally different from other teams. They are comprised of elite experts, the best in their field and are specially convened for ambitious projects (Boynton, Fischer, 2005). Bain & Company extraordinary teams had a high correlation between effectiveness of the manager and the performance of the member (Boynton & Fischer, 2005). The performance of teams has been attributed to the level of team development within the group. Conclusion In conclusion, when Bain and Company embrace this new construct not only will it raise the bar in terms of team standards for efficient, effective and efficacious operations, but also create organizational dynamics that foster quality of work life and business cultures that are vibrant, alive and thriving. Successful teams are supported by a commitment to empower and enhanced rewards.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Peapod Service Quality: Gap Analysis and Recommendations Essay
One of the pioneers of online grocery delivery service, Peapod LLC was founded in 1989 even before the dot-com era by brothers Andrew and Thomas Parkinson to cater to people who wanted a more convenient way of shopping for groceries. (Peapod LLC, 2008) In its modest beginnings, Peapod’s founders were deeply involved in the business, even using their own cars to deliver costumer orders. (Ibid) Peapod then partnered with Jewel Food Stores, Safeway, Stop & Shop, Giant, and The Kruger Company before it was fully acquired by Royal Ahold in 2001. Today, Peapod is touted as a leader in the online grocery delivery service with over 120,000 registered customers. (Lunce, Lunce, & Maniam, 2006, p. 60) Management and Consumer Expectations Clearly, the Peapod’s success in a highly competitive internet-based marketing can be attributed to a management that is knowledgeable about consumer expectations. (Ibid) There is a good fit between management and consumer expectations. Undoubtedly, Peapod appeals to consumers because it enables them to â€Å"more efficiently screen alternatives so that they can focus on alternatives that match their preferences. (Andrews & Currim, 2004, p. 43) Online shopping is also associated with convenience, as it allows consumers to look for and order products â€Å"almost instantaneously using electronic agents that use information about an individual consumer’s specific preferences and the alternatives available. †(Ibid) At the same time, the internet platform allows Peapod to know more about consumer expectations and to use this information to improve operations and processes. Peapod’s Commitment to Service Quality Peapod’s business model itself speaks of the managements’ awareness about the behavior and preferences of its target market, and its commitment of quality service delivery: an online grocery store that delivers grocery products right into â€Å"higher income, higher opportunity cost of time, and time-starved†(Andrews & Currim, 2004, p. 43) households who conveniently order these online. Peapod has ensures that it maintains its captive consumer base through advertising and marketing strategies. The Peapod website, for instance, allows the company to communicate its main purpose of being more of a â€Å"time-saving service and not merely a shopping service†(Lunce, Lunce, & Maniam, 2006, p. 59) to consumers and also depends heavily on word-of-mouth advertising. Actual Service Quality Delivery and Communications Lunce, Lunce, and Maniam (2006) observe that Peapod has maximized the use of the internet to â€Å"change the shopping experience altogether. †(p. 0) This means that Peapod was able to fully automate customer service processes through its main website, including providing customers with the ability to compare product specifications, maintain a list of their preferred brands and types of products for faster transactions. Likewise, Peapod clearly tries to maintain a sense of quality through its employees, especially Peapod drivers involved in the delivery of the orders who are at the frontline of Peapod’s operations and customer interaction. (p. 61) Unfortunately, Peapod is not free from weaknesses. This is evident in Peapod’s logistics system, particularly on its ability to achieve timely deliveries, which could make the company suffer from an erosion of customer confidence in their services. Holmstrom, Tanskanen, and Kamarainen (1999) argue that the â€Å"weakness in Peapod’s service is receiving of the products†(p. 2) by the costumers, which is related to the company’s difficulties in working with tight time windows for delivery and receipt by the ordering household. For consumers, the concept of an online grocery also carries higher service quality expectations. For an online grocery delivery business, â€Å"it is likely that the narrower the time window and the more prompt the delivery is, the higher the customer satisfaction is, which has a positive influence upon the repeat purchase. †(Lunce, Lunce, & Maniam, 2006, p. 56) Based from the author’s personal experience, it has become more difficult to schedule a delivery in Peapod’s system because of the increased number of consumers who order groceries from the company. The encounter with difficulties in scheduling for the delivery was unanticipated, as a customer expects Peapod service to be as good based from company promotion and as attested by some of its customers. This reflects a gap in the Peapod’s actual service delivery vis-a-vis the concept of convenience that the company tries hard to communicate, which affects the consumers’ perception of Peapod’s overall service quality and customer responsiveness. If left unaddressed, this could result to a decline in repeat purchase from customers. Analysis and Recommendation At the core of Peapod’s delivery problems is the level of integration in the company’s operations from the online ordering process to delivery booking and scheduling. It should be noted that Peapod operates only in five key cities in the United States, using a hybrid distribution system wherein Peapod utilizes its own warehouse and distribution center in Chicago while exploiting the infrastructure of its brick-and-mortar supermarket partners Stop & Shop and Giant in other areas. Holmstrom, Tanskanen, and Kamarainen (1999) argue that while Peapod’s hybrid distribution network allows it to lower operating costs, Peapod still has to maximize this distribution network to make more prompt and efficient deliveries. (p. 3) Peapod currently offers two modes of delivery: attended and unattended delivery wherein customers have the option of personally receiving their orders or having their orders delivered although they are not home. (Lunce, Lunce, & Maniam, 2006, p. 6) However, both mechanisms pose constraints in terms of cost efficiency as â€Å"attended delivery requires a certain density of customers to reside within the target market†while unattended delivery requires a â€Å"high initial investment cost†but has a â€Å"low utilization rate, and slow growth of demand. †(Lunce, Lunce, & Maniam, 2006, p. 57) To address customer complaints about delivery difficulties, Peapod can enhance its existing delivery systems by increasing the number of its delivery personnel and transportation in order to better manage the increased bulk of orders. The company can also evaluate its existing employee training program to address gaps in the company’s human resources ability to meet higher customer service quality expectations and demands. Likewise, Peapod can also upgrade its service features to enable automatic order replenishment aside from the deliver-on-demand system. This would enable the company to integrate its business with the household economics of its target market and facilitate better delivery schedule planning. Holmstrom, Tanskanen, & Kamarainen, 1999, p. 2) The replenishment system, which is focused on grocery stock replenishment of Peapod’s loyal customers, would reduce the stress put on the delivery system by random orders and ensure that the company is able to meet consumer expectations. Clearly, the main gap in Peapod’s business is its inability to meet customer expectations on prompt delivery, which is caused by weaknesses in its distribution process. This affects the consumer perception of Peapod’s service quality, which in turn could have an adverse impact on company sales and profitability. Thus, the company needs to examine the efficiency of its existing distribution network and enhance its capacity to meet consumer expectations either through restructuring or improving the current distribution fleet, or develop a new mechanism which lessens random delivery pressure and enables the company to focus on its most loyal patrons.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Sex Industry
The term sex industry refers to the people and organizations that provide sexual products, services, or performances in exchange for monetary compensation. The term encompasses a variety of enterprises, including print, video, and Internet pornography, prostitution, phone sex operations, sex shops, massage parlors, and strip clubs. Those employed in the sex industry are typically known as sex workers and might include street prostitutes, call girls, escorts, strippers, exotic dancers, phone sex operators, brothel workers, erotic masseuses, and actors/actresses in pornographic films.The sex industry also includes the managers, staff, owners, producers, directors, photographers, pimps, madams, businesses, organizations, and enterprises that provide the infrastructure and support necessary to this multi-billion-dollar industry. As a male my outlook on the sex industry will be much different than if I were a female, due to the profession or the lack there of, being 80% female according t o The Spot Light on the Sex Industry by Patrick McDonald.In today’s society it is still considered immoral and illegal in most places to participate in the sex trade, although it has been around for hundreds of years. Contrary to the ugly stereotypes of prostitutes as fallen women, dope addicts, or disease carriers,* sex workers are women at work supporting children as single parents, trying to save money to go to school, surviving economically in a job market that underpays women at every economic level.Because of the nature of the sex industry, in which many enterprises are illegal or only semi- legitimate and in which much earnings and activity goes unreported, estimates of the scope of the industry are necessarily flawed. Nonetheless, all available data suggest that the sex industry plays a very significant role in the U. S. economy, as in other countries. Since the rise of video recording technology and home videocassette players in the early 1980s, the consumption of ha rd-core pornographic videos in the United States has increased dramatically.A federal study in the 1970s estimated that the total value of hard-core porn in the United States was under $10 million; by 1996 estimates indicated Americans were spending more than $8 billion per year on pornographic videos and magazines, sex shows, peep shows, and sex toys (Schlosser 1997). This figure included 665 million hardcore video rentals, $150 million spent on pay-per-view adult movies, and $175 million on pornographic movies viewed in hotel rooms.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Weimar Republic essays
The Weimar Republic essays Why did the Weimar Republic get off to a "bad start?" What were the republics main successes and failures? What were the unique features of the Weimar constitution? What social problems existed in post war Germany? What does "We shall all be nationalists in ten years," mean? Why was 1926 a good year of the republic? Why was 1929 a bad one? Make a chronological list of the major events in Hitlers early life through 1933. This will be collected. Rosa Luxemburg- (One of the Sparticist leaders murdered by German police)"Freedom only for the supporters of the government, only for the members of one party however numerous they may be is no freedom at all. Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks." Of all liberal attempts at reconstruction, none began more hopefully nor ended more pathetically than the German republic. On paper-that is, in its constitution-it appeared to be one of the most advanced democratic nations of the times, but almost from the beginning it encountered die-hard opposition from both ends of the political spectrum. Its founders carried the onus of having accepted the Versailles treaty with the war guilt clause. It was overwhelmed by the worldwide depression, which struck Germany with greater severity than almost any other nation. The republic got off to a bad start. The provisional government declared an immediate end to martial law and the reestablishment of traditional civil liberties and set about preparing for an election for a constituent assembly. Before the election could take place the Sparticist uprising in Berlin showed that the forces of democracy would be opposed on the Left as well as the Right. The government called on elements of the old imperial army to suppress the revolt and executed its leaders without trial, both of which were bad precedents for a new democracy. At the same time it went ahead with plans for the election, the freest and most democratic i...
Monday, November 4, 2019
An Introduction To Sequences In Mathematics English Language Essay
An Introduction To Sequences In Mathematics English Language Essay This is an introduction to sequences. In mathematics, that is, discrete mathematics have learned about sequences, which is an ordered list of elements. The sequences is about arrangement of objects, people, tasks, grocery items, books, movies, or numbers, which has an ‘order’ associated with it. Like a set, it contains members and the number of terms. This members is called elements or terms and the number of terms is also called the length of the sequences. Sequences having a natural numbers. There are all even numbers and odd numbers. This usually defined according to the formula: Sn = a, function of n = 1,2,3,†¦a set A= {1,2,3,4} is a sequence. B = {1,1,2,2,3,3,} is though the numbers of repeating. There are specific sequences that have their own formulas and methods for finding the value of terms, such as arithmetic and geometric sequences. List of numbers, finite and infinite, that follow some rules are called sequences.P,Q,R,S is a sequences letters that diff er from R,Q,P,S, as the ordering matters. Sequences can be finite or infinite. For this example is finite sequence. For example of infinite is such as the sequence of all odd positive integers (1,3,5,†¦.). Finite sequences are sometimes known as strings or words, and infinite sequences as streams. The empty sequence ( ) is included in most notions of sequence, but may be excluded depending on the context. In this topic means sequences, there are covered about indexing, operation on sequences, sequences of integers, subsequences, increasing, decreasing, nonincreasing, nondecreasing, sigma notation, and pi notation. Besides that, in this topic also discuss about changing the index and limit in sum. Background A sequences was created by Leonardo Pisano Bigollo (1180-1250). Pisano means â€Å"from Pisa†and Fibonacci which means son of Bonacci. He known as by his nickname, Fibonacci. He was born in Pisa which is now part in Italy, the city with the famous Leaning Tower. He p layed important role in reviving ancient methematical skills, as well as making significant contributions of his own. He was known for a great interset in math. Because of the Fibonacci Series, He is most known. A series of numbers approaching nature reality. For example, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 233, 300, 377, †¦The sum of the 2 preceding numbers are from each succeding number. Fibonacci was a member of the Bonacci family and traveled all around the Mediterranean as a boy. He traveled with his father who held a diplomatic post. To excel in solving a wide variety of mathematical problems, His keen interest in mathematics and his exposure to other cultures allowed Fibonacci. Fibonacci is probably best known for discovering the Fibonacci sequence. Besides that, A sequences is also was created by Leonardo Fibonacci. He is the Italian mathematician. He also known as Leonardo of Pisa, documented the mathematical sequences often found in nature in 1202 in his book, â€Å"Liber Abaci†which means â€Å"book of the abacus†In the sequences, each number is sum of two numbers, such as 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 2 = 4, and so on. That sequence can be found in the spirals on the skin of a pineapple, sunflowers, seashells, the DNA double helix and, yes, pine cones.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Three major political approaches to fixing the problem with the Research Paper
Three major political approaches to fixing the problem with the national debt - Research Paper Example During a meeting in Cleveland, President Obama proposed a tax breaks and, directed corporate to eliminate one hundred percent of their ventures in industries and machineries. This move was further supported by Dave, a senior member of the Republican Party. In addition, a senior director of tax at Cato institute Edward Chris supported the three positions by arguing that the proposed approaches of fixing the problem with the national debt will help to revive the U.S economy. Mann Thomas a political scientist also advocated for the three proposed approaches by president Obama. Thomas asserted that the three approaches will help to promote economic growth tremendously. Additionally, the minority Leader Boehner John R-Ohio supported president Osama’s proposal to cut down budget and increase tax breaks (Raum, paras.1-5). The three positions have further been substantiated by the law whereby, the law provides corporate a chance to obtain fifty percent of the cost up front and the out standing balance to be settled within twenty years. Senior political official substantiated the move to implement tax breaks by proposing its benefits to the individual and to the entire economy at large. Some of the benefits include increase both individual and corporate investments which intern will lead to employments creation. The three proposals will further help to promote economic growth and expansion of small business (Raum, paras.3-7). ii) Give the pro’s and con’s of each approach. The pro’s of the first approach which involves cutting down government expenditures and give more tax breaks and incentives to small and big business include: it will help to eliminate government deficit and foreign debts because this approach helps at ensuring that the their readily available resources to be utilize productively. This approach further provides members of the public especially low income earners and middle class families with an opportunity to improve their s tandards of leaving. In addition, this approach will help to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor as well as promote growth of small medium enterprises (Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, p.158). On the contrary, the first approach tends to have some con’s. Among the con’s of this approach include: increase in negative externalities such as pollution because cutting down government expenditure limits the availability of funds to provide social services to the public. Reduction in government spending will causes a reduction in aggregate demand. This further leads to a reduction in economic activities as well as increase in unemployment problems. In addition, this approach discourages income distribution among members of the public. The approach will further affect those people who rely on social welfare benefits because they would not receive as much as they had expected to receive. This will further affect their budget and speeding (Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, p.158). The second approach for fixing the problems with the National budget involves putting more emphasize on our exports by lowering our dollar value or forcing our trade partners – China – to regulate more accurately its currency. This approach tends to have the following pro’
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